

正规的赌博app和联邦政府希望确保你有尽可能多的贷款信息. 下面是你应该回顾的一些关键细节.



  • 有哪些经济援助项目.
  • 提交援助申请的截止日期.
  • 你的经济援助将如何分配.
  • 你的经济需求是如何确定的.
  • 学院的退款政策.
  • What portion of your aid package is "gift aid" and what must be repaid.
  • The effect outside 奖学金 may have on your financial aid award.
  • 如果援助是贷款, 你有权知道利率, 还款金额及程序, 还款的时间长度和开始还款的时间.
  • How the college determines if you are making satisfactory academic progress, 当你不这样做的时候会发生什么呢.
  • You have the right to accept, decline or seek adjustment to your financial aid award(s).
  • Information you give to the Office of 金融援助 will be treated confidentially.
  • 如果您认为存在影响您的财务需求的特殊情况,需要对您的财务援助计划进行调整,您可以联系经济援助办公室. 如果你经历了家庭环境的变化, 比如失业, death, 分居或离婚, extremely high medical expenses that affect your ability to pay your educational costs, 上诉可能是适当的.


To receive financial aid, you have the following responsibilities:

  • 每年申请经济资助.
  • Complete the FAFSA application form accurately and submit it on time.
  • 提供正确的信息. Information found to be knowingly falsified may be referred to the U.S. 教育部,监察长办公室.
  • Provide all additional documentation requested by the 金融援助 Office.
  • 阅读你签署的所有表格.
  • 保留你所有的经济援助记录的副本.
  • If required, you must register with the Selective Service System.
  • Complete the required entrance and exit loan counseling sessions.
  • Repay all loans in accordance with the terms of your promissory notes.
  • 在偿还贷款前,如有下列情况,请通知贷款人:更改名称, 更改地址.
  • Notify the 金融援助 Office if you change your enrollment status (i.e. 全日制至非全日制).


Identity theft occurs when criminals gain access to personal data such as names, 社会安全号码, 还有银行和信用卡信息. 使用被盗数据, 罪犯可以通过欺诈手段获得信用卡, 建立手机账户等等.


  • 在线完成FAFSA后, exit the application and close the browser; any cookies created during your session will be deleted automatically.
  • 不要告诉任何人你的联邦学生援助密码, 即使那个人正在帮你填写FAFSA.
  • 检查你的经济援助奖励文件,并跟踪申请和授予的金额.
  • Never give personal information over the phone or Internet unless you made the contact. 如果您对募捐活动或学生贷款账户有任何疑问,请致电(800)4-FED-AID.
  • 联邦学生援助将您的信息安全地存储在国家学生贷款数据系统中. However, if you complete or even request a student loan application from a lender, 您可能授予出借人访问您的文件的权限. Before providing personal information to an organization, review its privacy policy.
  • Shred receipts and documents with personal information if they are no longer needed.
  • 立即向发行人报告所有丢失或被盗的身份证明,如果适当的话,还可以向警方报告.

一些网站提供收费的联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA). 这些网站不隶属于美国农业部,也不受其认可.S. 教育部. We urge you not to pay these sites for assistance that is provided free elsewhere. 官方的FAFSA在 studentaid.gov. 你可以通过FAFSA的在线帮助或从你大学的财政援助管理员那里获得免费帮助.

If you are asked for your credit card information while filling out the FAFSA online, 您不是在政府官方网站. 记住,FAFSA网站地址有 .政府参与其中.


Commercial financial aid advice services can cost well over $1,000. 你可能在研讨会上、通过电话营销人员的电话或在网上听到或看到过这些说法:

  • 现在购买,否则将错失良机.

不要屈服于压力战术. 记住, 机会 is a chance to pay for information you could find yourself for free. 我们提供了一个免费资源列表.

  • 我们保证你会得到援助.

如果你获得了学生贷款或200美元的奖学金,公司可能会声称它履行了承诺. 这值得支付1000美元或更多的费用吗?

  • I’ve got aid for you; give me your credit card or bank account number.

除非你知道你要给的机构是合法的,否则不要给别人信用卡或银行账号. 你可能会把自己置于身份被盗的危险之中.


一家收取财务援助建议费用的公司不是欺诈,除非它没有兑现承诺. For more information about financial aid fraud or to report fraud, call the 联邦贸易委员会 toll free at (877) FTC-HELP (877-382-4357), 或者去 www.ftc.gov / 奖学金cams.

如果你怀疑你的学生信息被盗,迅速采取行动是很重要的. These offices will help you determine which steps to take depending on your situation.

  • U.S. 教育部

网上抱怨: www.ed.gov /滥用

  • 联邦贸易委员会

(877) -IDTHEFT (877-438-4338)
网上抱怨: www.ftc.gov / idtheft



此要求到位,以便您将收到有关您的权利和责任的基本信息 作为学生贷款借款人. You will receive information about the types of loans you received, 何时何地付款, 如果你不能付款该怎么办?如果你不付款会发生什么. 

退出咨询可以在网上完成. 要完成您的咨询,请找到您所借的贷款类型并按照指示的链接进行操作.

如果你有联邦直接贷款, 你可以通过访问国家学生贷款数据系统(NSLDS)在网上完成退出咨询 http://nsldsfap.ed.gov/.

  • 选择“退出咨询”链接.
  • 点击“贷款退出咨询”下面的“开始”按钮."



美国国家学生贷款数据系统(NSLDS)是美国政府提供的.S. 教育部学生资助的中央数据库. 它接收来自学校、贷款担保机构、直接贷款计划和其他美国政府机构的数据.S. 教育部项目. nsds提供了一个集中的, integrated view of Title IV loans and grants that are tracked through their entire cycle; from aid approval through closure.

你可以使用 nsds学生访问网站 查询你的第四章贷款和/或助学金. 该网站显示有关贷款和/或赠款金额的信息, 出色的平衡, 贷款状态, 和垫付. 

为了使用NSLDS学生访问网站, 您需要提供您的社会安全号码(SSN), 你姓的前两个字母, 你的出生日期, 和你的个人密码(以前称为EAC).


财政援助办公室坚持 NASFAA的道德准则.

  1. 财务援助人员不得为个人利益或可能被视为利益冲突而采取任何行动.

a. 经济援助办公室的员工将放弃向自己或其直系亲属提供援助. 相反,这项责任将被委派给机构内指定的个人. By doing so, we aim to eliminate any appearance of favoritism or conflict of interest.

b. 如果是首选贷款人名单, 它的编制将没有任何偏见,只为了就读该机构的学生的利益. The information provided about lenders and loan terms will be transparent, 全面的, 和准确的. The complete process for selecting preferred lenders will be fully disclosed to the public. 此外, borrowers will have the freedom to choose any lender they prefer, even if they are not included on the institution's preferred lender list.

c. 没有员工, officer, 或正规的赌博app的代理人将与贷款人达成任何导致贷款人支付费用或其他利益的安排, 包括利润分成, 去学校, 其军官, 员工, 或代理人, 作为贷款推荐的交换, concessions or promises to the lender for a specific number of loans, 或者被列入优先贷款人名单, 或者优惠待遇.

d. 该机构不会否认, hinder, 或者不必要地推迟借款人对贷款机构的选择, regardless of whether that lender is included on the preferred lender list.

e. Financial aid staff members are prohibited from accepting cash, gifts, or benefits exceeding a de minimis amount from any financial aid applicant, 他们的家庭, or any entity seeking or conducting business with the institution. 这包括不因在咨询委员会或董事会任职而接受报酬, except for reasonable expense reimbursements directly associated with such service.


  • 运输
  • lodging
  • meals
  • 娱乐
  • 折扣
  • loans
  • favors or any other item having a monetary value of more than a de minimus amount
  1. 法律确实规定了与特定类型的活动或文学有关的一些例外情况:
  • Brochures or 培训 material related to default aversion or financial literacy
  • Food, 培训, 或者信息材料作为培训的一部分,只要该培训有助于参加培训的个人的专业发展
  • Entrance and exit counseling as long as the institution's staff are in control, 它们也不会推广特定贷款人的服务
  • Philanthropic contributions from a lender or servicer unrelated to education loans
  • 国家教育, grants, 奖学金, or financial aid funds administered by or on behalf of the State
  1. All information provided by the financial aid office will be accurate, 无偏见的, and devoid of any preference arising from actual or potential personal gain.
  2. 院校提供的助学金和其他材料将包括以下细节:
  • A breakdown of estimated individual Cost of Attendance components, 区分由机构收取的直接成本和非机构收取的间接成本.
  • Clear identification and proper categorization of each type of aid offered, 指定是否为助学金/奖学金, loan, 或者工作计划.
  • An estimated net cost worksheet to help students understand their financial obligations.
  • 所提供的经济援助的续期要求.
  • 经济援助办公室的联系方式.
  1. All required consumer information is displayed on the institutional website, 消费者信息
  2. A 财政援助词汇表 of Term is available on the institutional website, 财政援助词汇表.
  3. Financial aid professionals will promptly disclose to their institution any involvement, 兴趣, 或与该机构有业务关系的任何实体存在潜在的利益冲突. 这种对透明度的承诺确保了任何潜在的冲突都被曝光并得到适当处理.
  4. 没有员工 of 正规的赌博app may receive anything of value from a lender, 担保人, 或集团,以换取在顾问委员会任职. 他们可能, however, accept reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred while serving in this capacity.

本FA行为准则是基于 NASFAA行为准则


队列违约率是指一所学校的借款人开始偿还某些联邦家庭教育贷款(FFEL)计划或威廉D. 福特联邦直接贷款(直接贷款)计划在特定联邦财政年度(FY)内的贷款, 10月1日至9月30日, 并且在接下来的第二个财政年度结束之前违约或满足其他规定的条件. 

Listed below is 正规的赌博app’s 3-YEAR 队列违约率: 

  • FY2019 = 0.5%(密歇根平均是14%).4%,全国平均水平是11%.5% which includes all public, private and for-profit institutions)
  • FY2018 = 2.2%(密歇根平均为12%).而全国平均水平是10%.8% which includes all public, private and for-profit institutions)
  • FY2017 = 2.7%(密歇根平均为11%).5%,全国平均水平是10%.1% which includes all public, private and for-profit institutions)




  • 学生的知情权



    • 有哪些经济援助项目.
    • 提交援助申请的截止日期.
    • 你的经济援助将如何分配.
    • 你的经济需求是如何确定的.
    • 学院的退款政策.
    • What portion of your aid package is "gift aid" and what must be repaid.
    • The effect outside 奖学金 may have on your financial aid award.
    • 如果援助是贷款, 你有权知道利率, 还款金额及程序, 还款的时间长度和开始还款的时间.
    • How the college determines if you are making satisfactory academic progress, 当你不这样做的时候会发生什么呢.
    • You have the right to accept, decline or seek adjustment to your financial aid award(s).
    • Information you give to the Office of 金融援助 will be treated confidentially.
    • 如果您认为存在影响您的财务需求的特殊情况,需要对您的财务援助计划进行调整,您可以联系经济援助办公室. 如果你经历了家庭环境的变化, 比如失业, death, 分居或离婚, extremely high medical expenses that affect your ability to pay your educational costs, 上诉可能是适当的.
  • 学生的责任


    To receive financial aid, you have the following responsibilities:

    • 每年申请经济资助.
    • Complete the FAFSA application form accurately and submit it on time.
    • 提供正确的信息. Information found to be knowingly falsified may be referred to the U.S. 教育部,监察长办公室.
    • Provide all additional documentation requested by the 金融援助 Office.
    • 阅读你签署的所有表格.
    • 保留你所有的经济援助记录的副本.
    • If required, you must register with the Selective Service System.
    • Complete the required entrance and exit loan counseling sessions.
    • Repay all loans in accordance with the terms of your promissory notes.
    • 在偿还贷款前,如有下列情况,请通知贷款人:更改名称, 更改地址.
    • Notify the 金融援助 Office if you change your enrollment status (i.e. 全日制至非全日制).
  • 欺诈及身份盗窃


    Identity theft occurs when criminals gain access to personal data such as names, 社会安全号码, 还有银行和信用卡信息. 使用被盗数据, 罪犯可以通过欺诈手段获得信用卡, 建立手机账户等等.


    • 在线完成FAFSA后, exit the application and close the browser; any cookies created during your session will be deleted automatically.
    • 不要告诉任何人你的联邦学生援助密码, 即使那个人正在帮你填写FAFSA.
    • 检查你的经济援助奖励文件,并跟踪申请和授予的金额.
    • Never give personal information over the phone or Internet unless you made the contact. 如果您对募捐活动或学生贷款账户有任何疑问,请致电(800)4-FED-AID.
    • 联邦学生援助将您的信息安全地存储在国家学生贷款数据系统中. However, if you complete or even request a student loan application from a lender, 您可能授予出借人访问您的文件的权限. Before providing personal information to an organization, review its privacy policy.
    • Shred receipts and documents with personal information if they are no longer needed.
    • 立即向发行人报告所有丢失或被盗的身份证明,如果适当的话,还可以向警方报告.

    一些网站提供收费的联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA). 这些网站不隶属于美国农业部,也不受其认可.S. 教育部. We urge you not to pay these sites for assistance that is provided free elsewhere. 官方的FAFSA在 studentaid.gov. 你可以通过FAFSA的在线帮助或从你大学的财政援助管理员那里获得免费帮助.

    If you are asked for your credit card information while filling out the FAFSA online, 您不是在政府官方网站. 记住,FAFSA网站地址有 .政府参与其中.


    Commercial financial aid advice services can cost well over $1,000. 你可能在研讨会上、通过电话营销人员的电话或在网上听到或看到过这些说法:

    • 现在购买,否则将错失良机.

    不要屈服于压力战术. 记住, 机会 is a chance to pay for information you could find yourself for free. 我们提供了一个免费资源列表.

    • 我们保证你会得到援助.

    如果你获得了学生贷款或200美元的奖学金,公司可能会声称它履行了承诺. 这值得支付1000美元或更多的费用吗?

    • I’ve got aid for you; give me your credit card or bank account number.

    除非你知道你要给的机构是合法的,否则不要给别人信用卡或银行账号. 你可能会把自己置于身份被盗的危险之中.


    一家收取财务援助建议费用的公司不是欺诈,除非它没有兑现承诺. For more information about financial aid fraud or to report fraud, call the 联邦贸易委员会 toll free at (877) FTC-HELP (877-382-4357), 或者去 www.ftc.gov / 奖学金cams.

    如果你怀疑你的学生信息被盗,迅速采取行动是很重要的. These offices will help you determine which steps to take depending on your situation.

    • U.S. 教育部

    网上抱怨: www.ed.gov /滥用

    • 联邦贸易委员会

    (877) -IDTHEFT (877-438-4338)
    网上抱怨: www.ftc.gov / idtheft

  • 退出贷款咨询



    此要求到位,以便您将收到有关您的权利和责任的基本信息 作为学生贷款借款人. You will receive information about the types of loans you received, 何时何地付款, 如果你不能付款该怎么办?如果你不付款会发生什么. 

    退出咨询可以在网上完成. 要完成您的咨询,请找到您所借的贷款类型并按照指示的链接进行操作.

    如果你有联邦直接贷款, 你可以通过访问国家学生贷款数据系统(NSLDS)在网上完成退出咨询 http://nsldsfap.ed.gov/.

    • 选择“退出咨询”链接.
    • 点击“贷款退出咨询”下面的“开始”按钮."


  • 国家学生贷款数据系统


    美国国家学生贷款数据系统(NSLDS)是美国政府提供的.S. 教育部学生资助的中央数据库. 它接收来自学校、贷款担保机构、直接贷款计划和其他美国政府机构的数据.S. 教育部项目. nsds提供了一个集中的, integrated view of Title IV loans and grants that are tracked through their entire cycle; from aid approval through closure.

    你可以使用 nsds学生访问网站 查询你的第四章贷款和/或助学金. 该网站显示有关贷款和/或赠款金额的信息, 出色的平衡, 贷款状态, 和垫付. 

    为了使用NSLDS学生访问网站, 您需要提供您的社会安全号码(SSN), 你姓的前两个字母, 你的出生日期, 和你的个人密码(以前称为EAC).

  • 财政援助行为准则


    财政援助办公室坚持 NASFAA的道德准则.

    1. 财务援助人员不得为个人利益或可能被视为利益冲突而采取任何行动.

    a. 经济援助办公室的员工将放弃向自己或其直系亲属提供援助. 相反,这项责任将被委派给机构内指定的个人. By doing so, we aim to eliminate any appearance of favoritism or conflict of interest.

    b. 如果是首选贷款人名单, 它的编制将没有任何偏见,只为了就读该机构的学生的利益. The information provided about lenders and loan terms will be transparent, 全面的, 和准确的. The complete process for selecting preferred lenders will be fully disclosed to the public. 此外, borrowers will have the freedom to choose any lender they prefer, even if they are not included on the institution's preferred lender list.

    c. 没有员工, officer, 或正规的赌博app的代理人将与贷款人达成任何导致贷款人支付费用或其他利益的安排, 包括利润分成, 去学校, 其军官, 员工, 或代理人, 作为贷款推荐的交换, concessions or promises to the lender for a specific number of loans, 或者被列入优先贷款人名单, 或者优惠待遇.

    d. 该机构不会否认, hinder, 或者不必要地推迟借款人对贷款机构的选择, regardless of whether that lender is included on the preferred lender list.

    e. Financial aid staff members are prohibited from accepting cash, gifts, or benefits exceeding a de minimis amount from any financial aid applicant, 他们的家庭, or any entity seeking or conducting business with the institution. 这包括不因在咨询委员会或董事会任职而接受报酬, except for reasonable expense reimbursements directly associated with such service.


    • 运输
    • lodging
    • meals
    • 娱乐
    • 折扣
    • loans
    • favors or any other item having a monetary value of more than a de minimus amount
    1. 法律确实规定了与特定类型的活动或文学有关的一些例外情况:
    • Brochures or 培训 material related to default aversion or financial literacy
    • Food, 培训, 或者信息材料作为培训的一部分,只要该培训有助于参加培训的个人的专业发展
    • Entrance and exit counseling as long as the institution's staff are in control, 它们也不会推广特定贷款人的服务
    • Philanthropic contributions from a lender or servicer unrelated to education loans
    • 国家教育, grants, 奖学金, or financial aid funds administered by or on behalf of the State
    1. All information provided by the financial aid office will be accurate, 无偏见的, and devoid of any preference arising from actual or potential personal gain.
    2. 院校提供的助学金和其他材料将包括以下细节:
    • A breakdown of estimated individual Cost of Attendance components, 区分由机构收取的直接成本和非机构收取的间接成本.
    • Clear identification and proper categorization of each type of aid offered, 指定是否为助学金/奖学金, loan, 或者工作计划.
    • An estimated net cost worksheet to help students understand their financial obligations.
    • 所提供的经济援助的续期要求.
    • 经济援助办公室的联系方式.
    1. All required consumer information is displayed on the institutional website, 消费者信息
    2. A 财政援助词汇表 of Term is available on the institutional website, 财政援助词汇表.
    3. Financial aid professionals will promptly disclose to their institution any involvement, 兴趣, 或与该机构有业务关系的任何实体存在潜在的利益冲突. 这种对透明度的承诺确保了任何潜在的冲突都被曝光并得到适当处理.
    4. 没有员工 of 正规的赌博app may receive anything of value from a lender, 担保人, 或集团,以换取在顾问委员会任职. 他们可能, however, accept reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred while serving in this capacity.

    本FA行为准则是基于 NASFAA行为准则

  • 队列违约率


    队列违约率是指一所学校的借款人开始偿还某些联邦家庭教育贷款(FFEL)计划或威廉D. 福特联邦直接贷款(直接贷款)计划在特定联邦财政年度(FY)内的贷款, 10月1日至9月30日, 并且在接下来的第二个财政年度结束之前违约或满足其他规定的条件. 

    Listed below is 正规的赌博app’s 3-YEAR 队列违约率: 

    • FY2019 = 0.5%(密歇根平均是14%).4%,全国平均水平是11%.5% which includes all public, private and for-profit institutions)
    • FY2018 = 2.2%(密歇根平均为12%).而全国平均水平是10%.8% which includes all public, private and for-profit institutions)
    • FY2017 = 2.7%(密歇根平均为11%).5%,全国平均水平是10%.1% which includes all public, private and for-profit institutions)





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